WONS 2024 19th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference 29th January - 31st January 2024, Chamonix, France

Instructions for Authors

Camera Ready Instructions

The author registration and the submission of the camera-ready paper are due on January 5, 2024

Authors of accepted papers must prepare the Camera Ready version of their paper following these instructions. Long papers are up to 8 pages. Short papers have a maximum of 4 pages. Prepare a single PDF file using the standard IEEE template, without page numbers, with a font size no smaller than 10pt and using A4 paper size, wich can be established with this Latex option.


You are kindly invited to consider and address (as far as possible given the short time frame) the comments and indications from the reviewers to improve your paper.

1) Manuscript Validation on IEEE PDF eXpress

Once your manuscript is ready, proofread and finalized, validate your paper using the IEEE PDF eXpress online tool. To do so, login into the PDF eXpress website. If it is the first time you use this tool, you should:

  1. Create an account.

  2. Enter the Conference ID 60642X , enter your email address, and choose a password.

  3. Continue to enter information as prompted. An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifyyour account setup.

If you already have an account, instead, use the Conference ID 60642X and the email and the password you registered with.

Once logged in, follow the instructions to upload your camera-ready paper. PDF eXpress will check the document and will inform you about the outcome via email. If the paper is Xplore compliant, you need to log in again to PDF eXpress and click Approve for Collection. Otherwise, you must fix the PDF and re-upload it to PDF eXpress.

2) Manuscript Upload on Edas

Once the PDF has been validated through IEEE PDF eXpress, please follow these steps to submit your camera-ready paper:

  1. At least one paper author must register at the author’s rate (member or non-member). The author registration cannot receive a student discount. For authors with multiple accepted papers, remember that one registration payment is valid for one (1) paper only. The registration code is an 8-digit code formatted in this way: 2024XXXX, where XXXX are the last four (4) digits of the Payment Order Number you will receive from CNIT after the registration payment.

  2. You are required to complete and sign a copyright transfer agreement. You can download the copyright form at this link. The copyright form needs to be added to your paper on EDAS. On the page of your paper, select the “+” button next to “Copyright form” and upload the signed form. IFIP holds copyright and guarantees full golden Open Access on IFIP Digital Library. The same copyright allows WONS to distribute papers through IEEE Xplore, thanks to agreements between IFIP and IEEE.

  3. Upload the final version of your manuscript on EDAS. On the page of your paper, select the upload button next to “Final manuscript” and upload the manuscript produced by PDF eXpress.

If you require assistance in preparing your final submission, please contact our publication chair Marco Cominelli.